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Thanks for a great 2013!

The book signing on Dec. 13, 2013, was a real blast. It was wonderful to see our special guests, Al Allen and Della Redbird, in the same room together. We thank everyone who made it to downtown Detroit in person, especially our friends who have waited so long to see this project appear in print.
Keith and I (Craig) also signed copies of the book at shops in Greenfield Village on Dec. 20 and 21. Copies of the book remain for sale there.
New on this site is a Press page. A link to it appears by navigating your cursor over the “About” button at the top of this site.
Thanks to all who have expressed interest and support during the last few months. We’ve just begun publicizing the book, and more signings are in the works. Feel free to “like” the book’s page on Facebook to receive more timely announcements.
Our next event is scheduled for Jan. 19, from 3 to 7 p.m., at Club Canton, Michigan’s oldest country bar. We’re very excited to announce Behind The Times will play a set on the hardwood dance floor, then open it up for musicians to jam. A buffet will be available, too. More info to come.
2 Comments. Leave new
Congratulations! I’m still going to get back to you and I’m
sorry it’s taken so darn long.
Thank you, Sandi! That’s OK. Looking forward to hearing from you. Happy New Year!