Eddie Jackson and Don Rader, early inspirations

It took a community to help write the forthcoming book. I’ve always been crazy about records, and record collectors got me started on this project by sharing vintage Detroit music. Some of my earliest boosters who played music (not records) included the gentlemen in these photos.

Craig "Bones" Maki and Don Rader

It took a community to help write the Detroit country music book. I’ve always been crazy about music and records, and record collectors got me started on this project by whetting my appetite for vintage Detroit music. (Thanks to all, including Cappy Wortman, Sal and Dottie Leczynski, Bob Silverberg, Carl Pellegrino, Tony Fusco, and Bo Brown.)

Some of my earliest boosters who played music (not records) included the gentlemen in these photos. Don Rader (in hat) joined me at the legendary WCBN-FM radio Ann Arbor, Michigan studio in December 1994. Rader and I visited Dan Moray while he hosted an edition of “The Down Home Show.” A 45rpm record of Rader’s 1958 “Rock And Roll Grandpap” sits on the turntable in front. At the time, I hosted “The Rockabilly Show” at WCBN.

Craig Maki, Eddie Jackson, and Marv WeyerRader introduced me to several Detroit C&W musicians, including Casey Clark, Patti Lynn, Dave Rohelier, and the man at center in the black and white picture, the “Golden Boy” Eddie Jackson.*

The photo with Jackson was taken by Sandra Weyer on the day I first met him in person, during the summer of 1995. Sandra’s husband, guitarist Marv Weyer, stands at right. We were in Jackson’s basement, standing in front of an amazing wall of photos of Jackson, his musician friends, and country music stars with whom he shared Detroit stages during his 50-year career. Jackson’s sunny personality, his funny stories, and the images on these walls renewed my inspiration with every visit. Within a year, Jackson and Weyer had me playing guitar and singing with them at public appearances. Through Jackson, I met Fran Mitchell*, Cliff Gilbert, Chuck Oakes*, Swanee Caldwell, and many others.

* Biographies featured in the book

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